Monthly Focus: Menopause Support

The menopause can take you by surprise and many of the symptoms can affect your well being both physically and mentally. But by creating a personalised nutrition programme which takes into account a full 360 view of your health, considering the body as a whole and how different systems have the potential to influence each other can make a huge difference and allow you to transition comfortably. Please contact me if you are interested in finding out more.

At B/Nutrition we aim to provide you with all the information you need to gain optimum health.  Food is such an amazing substance that provides a range of different nutrients. Some nutrients provide energy, while others are essential for growth and maintenance of the body.   A healthy balanced diet can take you on the path to optimum health and wellbeing. 

Client Quote:Deciding to make an appointment to see Birgitta has definitely change my life. I have an auto immune condition causing inflammation, stiffness and pain in my back and hips and I wanted to avoid taking harsh long term medication. With Birgitta's knowledge and advice I now know that some food items were reacting with my body, I cut them out for 3 months and slowly reintroduced most foods (bar a couple).  I have very little pain or stiffness at all. I would not have believed the difference your diet can have on your back, thanks to Birgitta I know now and remain very grateful to her” Meg October 2023

For more information click here to contact me.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” Hippocrates.

If you would like a personalised nutrition plan created by a qualified nutritionist or more information about how we can help you please contact us at or call us on 07985 388342